Help us improve the lives of those suffering with an autoinflammatory disease. The FMF & AID Global Association is the world’s leading non-profit patient organization dedicated to autoinflammatory awareness, advocacy, education, patient support and research. Being an umbrella organization, allows us to have an international focus on autoinflammatory diseases, while promoting collaborative research efforts in order to make faster progress, finding better and more effective treatments, as well as supporting patients. Your donation will help us with these important efforts.
Please donate to help support awareness.
How to donate
Please donate through PayPal, Streamlabs or wire transfer to our bank account.
Account Name: FMF & AID Global Association
Bank: Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG, 8070 Zurich
IBAN: CH84 0483 5217 4525 0100 0
Bank account: 217-4525-01
With your help, we can continue to grow. Your support is greatly appreciated!
The FMF & AID Global Association is registered in Zurich as a non-profit organization. Therefore, donations to the FMF & AID Global Association are tax-deductible.
Individual donations
As a donor, we welcome any amount you wish to donate, either yearly or monthly. Your financial contributions will support the work of the FMF & AID Global Association and helps us to run our various support projects, that are patient centric, to ensure our community receives the best possible support.
Business donations
Business donations and charitable contributions are welcome in any amount.
Planned giving
With a planned gift to the FMF & AID Global Association, you can combine your desire to give to charity with your overall financial, tax, and estate planning goals. Planned giving gives you a lasting and special connection to our autoinflammatory community. Your bequest will help those afflicted with these rare diseases for now and for years to come.